New York City Traffic Lawyer

When attorneys set out to create New York City’s premier traffic ticket practice, they had the legal knowledge and experience to help their clients, but they knew little about the marketing side of things. They knew they needed a strong web presence because no one else had it. Making this happen was a whole other matter.

They turned to a company for a website—only to be disappointed. The design was off, pages were broken, and the copy was incomplete. It was time to find a marketing partner who would match their professionalism. They had a certain standard they aspired to, and their website and entire visual identity needed to match this.

In 2023, they came to 360 LawFirm Marketing, led by Mitesh Patel.


Marketing Made Easy

We saw violations of Google’s best practices on project, an unprofessional website, and a campaign that wasn’t delivering the right type of leads. We put our experience to work immediately, completely redesigning and recreating their entire visual identity and building campaigns that would deliver results: amounting to 16,903 total client and case leads since 2010. According to CEO, “What surprised us most about 360 LawFirm Marketing was how simple it is.”

Flourishing in New Markets

It’s been a decade since New York City Traffic Lawyer partnered with 360 LawFirm Marketing. They’ve grown from a local practice to a statewide firm with a powerful online presence and brand that matches their level of professionalism and service. They’ve succeeded in newer, broader markets than they thought possible, and they’re continuing to grow.

It’s been our pleasure working with your firm to dominate your market. We’re excited for even more success in the future!

Expanding from a Local Practice to a Statewide Firm

Client Testimonial


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New York City Traffic Lawyer
New York City Traffic Lawyer

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